Light is the exception
We are all ignorant three year olds, in a sense.
We are enveloped by darkness, but for this tiny light that shines into it.
Light is the exception
Darkness the rule.
While we are given a spark, it only carries so far.
However, it’s easy to get lost in the light,
believing there to be no darkness.
Remember this
Remember the darkness
Be happy with the light.
It might be a brighter flame now than before.
All those years,
all that experience,
adding light
(if we’ve been paying attention).
But remember the darkness.
It will always be endless,
however bright your flickering flame.
Remember the darkness
especially when approaching others.
Look from the dark
at their light.
Seeing this lonely flame
brazenly opposing eternal nothingness,
a deep compassion may take hold.
A flame approaching a fellow flame
alone in the night.
Start there
and make the fire glow brighter;
be a flint to their spark
and their spark will warm yours.
In this way,
we help grow the light,
our light.
Let’s not talk too much
about the surrounding darkness.
Though knowing of it is essential,
that is also enough.
So I guess what I’m saying is:
See from the darkness
Start from the light

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